
"Avatar" swept across the visual effects trade unions

Local time, March 1st, 8th Session of the United States Visual Effects (Visual Effects Society) announced the winners of James Cameron's 3D sci-fi giant system "Affan Da" won six awards, becoming welcomed by the winner.

Visual effects union with the main prize was split between two films: "Afan up" won the best special effects, including visual effects film, the best independent visual effects, the best live-action films and animated character, the best feature film digital painting, the best feature film environment created, the best model for six awards, including Netscape decorated; Pixar's "flying house Central Travels" is the best animated visual effects, best animated film and animated character, the best special effects animation visual effects three awards.

The year's best visual effects film nominated for a total of five films, which are "2012", "Transformers 2", "Star Trek", "9th District," and "Affan up."

James Cameron was awarded the current Visual Effects Society Lifetime Achievement Award, the prize aims to recognize the outstanding works of art of film and visual effects have made a special contribution to the film. Prior to that, Steven Spielberg, George Lucas, Robert Zemeckis have this honor. Cameron good mood that day, with his wife after winning a warm Ji Wen. For him, this is a "late" awards, is also a well deserved award.

